Flood Update/News

Are you Ready for the Unexpected?
As you will be aware, Cumbria CVS, ACTion with Communities in Cumbria, and Cumbria Action for Sustainability are working together to help people, communities and organisations become better prepared for emergencies such as flooding and other severe weather.

As part of this, it may be worth thinking about how you and your family would react in an emergency. Have a look at this animation by Cumbria CVS, which explains the kind of things you might want to consider:

The Environment Agency has a template if you wish to prepare for a household flood plan:


Business Continuity Planning
If you’re interest in preparing an emergency plan for your organisation then our Business Development Officers can help you. Business Continuity Planning would help you look at how to keep your organisation running, and keep supporting your users if there’s an emergency. If you wish, it could also look at how you use your staff and volunteers to support the wider response to and recovery from the emergency.

If you’d like more information about emergency plans for your organisation, please contact Cumbria CVS on 01768 800350 or email: info@cumbriacvs.org.uk  and we’ll put you in touch with one of our Business Development Officers.

We will also be running some training sessions on Business Continuity Planning in the Autumn. Keep an eye out on our website and the Ebulletin for further details.

Task Manager Training
Cumbria CVS is running three sessions to train volunteers to help manage a small group of volunteers in the event of/following an emergency. It is valuable training for anyone interested in helping in the event of an emergency. Book your place today!

For further details see our Volunteer Training section or visit our website: www.cumbriacvs.org.uk/training-and-events

Emergency Response Volunteers
Cumbria CVS is also working with Emergency Response groups to recruit and train volunteers. If you would like further details please contact Judith Holmshaw on 01768 800350.

Flood Mental Wellbeing Questionnaire
We’ve always known that being flooded is an incredibly stressful experience for people, and that impact can last a long time.
However, over the last few weeks a number of staff working directly with communities have raised concerns that people who have been flooded are still struggling to cope, and they’re not sure that there are adequate support services available in all parts of Cumbria.

We’ve set up a survey to gather some more information – please can you complete it if appropriate, and forward to anyone you know who’s working with people who were flooded. It’ll help us understand the issue better and to assess if more support is needed.


Property Level Flood Resilience Grant Schemes
Please note that the deadline for applications for Flood Resilience Grants is Friday 31 March 2017. If you are interested in applying please contact your local District Council.

Cumbria Community Foundation Resistance and Resilience Top-Up Grant
Cumbria Community Foundation has introduced a Resistance and Resilience Top-Up Grant which is available to individuals who have applied to the appropriate District Council for a Property Level Resilience Grant. The Top-Up Grant is for up to £2000 if applicants’ costs exceed £5000. The Top-Up Grant can support groups of neighbours who wish to apply for a combined scheme.

For full details and an application form please go to www.cumbriafoundation.org or telephone 01900 825760.