Events - 11 Jun 24

Personal Leadership in Non-Profit Organisations development course



Bedrock Basics Project is delighted to offer you and your organisation the opportunity to take part in “Personal Leadership in Non-Profit Organisations” development course.

Are you a leader* in a non-profit organisation that is delivering services in / to / for people and communities in west Cumbria? * A leader may be the manager of an organisation but may also be in other roles with the ability to influence change within the organisation.

Action for Health Meeting



CUMBRIA – Action for Health Meeting 11/06/2024 10.30am – 12noon – Online via MS Teams

Come and join our lively and informative Action for Health event.

Speakers confirmed so far are:

  • NORTH CUMBRIA – Lisa Taylor, (Lead for VCSE Partnership Programme NENC ICB) Recent restructures and how this will impact on third sector connectivity with ICB regionally (NENC) and locally (North Cumbria)
  • NORTH CUMBRIA – Elaine Bidmead – NIHR ARC NENC Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Health, University of Cumbria – Poverty Proofing Healthcare settings.

To book a place please follow the Eventbrite link:





Unfortunately, there is a stigma attached to survivors of sexual crimes which makes it difficult for them to speak out and seek help for their experiences and trauma. This means that survivors are not always being signposted to access services that could assist them in their recovery. The combination of stigma and barriers to accessing services decreases, if not eliminates the voice of survivors and prevents them from receiving the support they need to feel empowered to make meaningful recovery.
This Lunch & Learn event will give the chance to learn more about the work of Birchall Trust and what services they offer for survivors but also a chance to participate in a wider conversation about what sort of barriers prevent people from accessing the service and others like it to help further improve how we respond and assist people with experiences of sexual violence.
It is hoped that such conversations and discussions will be a starting point for breaking down stigma and make such conversations more ‘normal’.

Eden Focus on Funding Toolkit Workshop




Every funder is different and therefore each grant application will be too.

However, there are some common questions that need to be answered in order to get grant funding.

Preparation is key and this workshop is to help you be as prepared as possible.

This funding workshop is designed for voluntary/not-for-profit/community organisations to cover the basics to enable you to have a funding toolkit with your checklist and supporting documents ready for when you need to prepare a grant application.