Events - 5 Jun 24

Personal Leadership in Non-Profit Organisations development course



Bedrock Basics Project is delighted to offer you and your organisation the opportunity to take part in “Personal Leadership in Non-Profit Organisations” development course.

Are you a leader* in a non-profit organisation that is delivering services in / to / for people and communities in west Cumbria? * A leader may be the manager of an organisation but may also be in other roles with the ability to influence change within the organisation.

Bedrock Basics lunch and learn ‘Introduction to communication’



Communication has grown in complexity since the digital revolution.

Come along to this ‘lunch and learn’ session, hosted by Capgemini, to explore communication theories and reflect upon communication in a digital world.

South Lakes Lunch and Learn about Volunteering




Organisations attending include:

Age UK South Lakeland, Kendal Museum, National Trust, Westmorland and Furness Council-Community Transport, North West Air Ambulance, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Gateway Church, Fairoak Housing, Health Watch, Singing in Mind, Angel Advocates and Sightline.

If you are interested in volunteering come along,  meet local organisations and find out about the wide range of volunteering opportunities available. This event is a fantastic opportunity to find out more about volunteering and how to register your interest as a volunteer. This event is open to the general public and is a  drop-in so please call in at any time. All welcome.