Events - 20 Oct 22

Carlisle Funding Fair



This event provides a fantastic opportunity for local groups to once again directly engage (face to face) with local and national funders and support groups regarding projects/funding requirements.

Tickets are free, and attendees can choose to book a morning (10am – noon) or afternoon (1pm – 3pm) slot. We ask that organisations attend with a maximum of two representatives as spaces are limited.

Storytelling for Fundraising



Do you want to make effective use of storytelling as part of your fundraising? Storytelling is a valuable fundraising skills that can be used to inform and influence your potential funders and supporters. Telling stories is a powerful tool that is often overlooked. Join us for this four hour training course (2 x 2 hour sessions) and learn how you can use the power of stories from your work as part of effective fundraising.