Meet the Council – Cumberland



Following a recent survey on what our membership would like to know about Local Government Reorganisation (LGR), Cumbria CVS and Third Sector Network are pleased to host a Meet the Council event. This will be an opportunity for you to virtually ‘meet’ who you need to contact for key topics affecting the sector. Although we have sent our guests you key questions (see below), you will also have the opportunity to gain more information and clarity on topics during break-out room sessions.

The areas that this event will focus on are:

  • Funding and Commissioning
  • Long Term Engagement with Sector
  • Partnership Opportunities and Consultations
  • Shared Resources and Training

To book a place, please click on the Eventbrite link below:


Prepared Questions

Public Health

  • How will local Public Health initiatives be managed?
  • What strategies and support are in place for providing care to older and vulnerable people and helping vulnerable people cope with loneliness?
  • How will this affect how Health trusts and PCNs are able to commission services whole county?

Engagement and Support

  • Who do I need to speak to get support for my charity on a local level?
  • How will new unitary authorises engage with the third sector within communities and at a strategic level?
  • Is there a central guide for local charities and support available so members of the community know how to access support?
  • How will the local communities’ voices will be heard?
  • What levels and methods of community engagement will be used?
  • What support will be available for our charity? Are there opportunities for shared training/partnerships?

Funding and Commissioning

  • What funding support is available for my charity? How will this work on a local level and large scale?
  • What is your approach to grant giving, will funding be awarded in arrears?
  • What are the current plans for the third sector for tendering and commissioning?
  • I have funding from the Council, who do I need to speak to about reporting and feedback?


Please note: photos and video clips may be captured during this event by Cumbria CVS and used to help us to promote our services and future events.