Introduction to Accounting & Finance for the Third Sector



Join us for these introductory sessions in accounting and finance! Open to third sector groups from Copeland and Allerdale

These workshops will be delivered to 12 groups across Copeland and Allerdale, and will be joint funded by Spark (through Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership)

Delivered over two, two-hour sessions on the 4th and 18th October, 10am – 12noon.

Sessions to Include:

  • Jargon Busting – Considering the status of the entity including Charities and CIOs, Community Interest Company, Social Enterprise, Limited by Guarantee
  • Regulatory bodies (Companies House and The Charity Commission) – Filing financial documents, relevant dates and deadlines
  • Income recognition – Dealing with the timing of grants and the related expenses
  • Financial management – Budgets, keeping the books, accounting for restricted funds
  • Software suggestions – Appropriate accounting software to record transactions and track grants for the third sector
  • Taxes – Looking at VAT and tax responsibilities.

All groups will receive 30 minutes 1:1 support from Dodd & Co.


Click here to register your place