In this section we will aim to provide any updated advice, tips, resources, that may be of interest. Please do bear with us – the information is coming through thick and fast and we are doing our best to coordinate and share this with you all. Funding: Crime Prevention Althought this may be more […]
2020 March 20
The Government is investing up to £25 million in Barrow. The Towns Fund will target investment around a series of themes, although additional investment may also come from other public or private sources as part of the Town Deal. Have YOUR say on how the money should be spent and give us your ideas. Please […]
Cumbria CVS Support and Services Although we have closed our offices and moved to home working, we are still available to take your calls, your emails and provide support – using digital and other available options – so please do keep in touch and make use of our services. We can provide you and your […]
Training and Events Due to the current Covid-19 situation and in line with current Government advice, all our training, events and networks have been postoned/cancelled until 1 September 2020. In the meantime, we would still like to hear from you and see what training you may require – either now and/or in the future – […]
Of course, I’m no different to anyone else. In the last week, I have been through the same emotions as the rest of the country: denial, anger, depression, bargaining and acceptance – and I expect to move between these five stages of the Kubler-Ross grief model over the coming weeks. But that’s ok – because […]