What does Devolution in Cumbria mean for your organisation?



The Government has confirmed that Cumbria is in its priority programme of areas for devolution.

But what might devolution mean in practice?

Cumbria CVS and Cumbria Third Sector Network are hosting an online event where you’ll be able to learn more.

Andrew Seekings, Chief Executive Officer, Cumberland Council & Alison Hatcher, Assistant Chief Executive, Westmorland and Furness Council will give a presentation covering:

  • The new structures proposed for Cumbria (a Cumbria Combined Authority with a directly elected Mayor)
  • The process and timeline for devolution
  • The likely benefits of devolution for people in Cumbria

You can submit questions in advance now, as well as ask questions on the day.

The online event is open to anyone involved in a voluntary sector organisation or community group in Cumbria.

If you’ve got any questions regarding the event itself, please contact info@cumbriaCVS.org.uk

You can find the full details of proposals for Cumbria devolution in the government consultation:

This runs until the 13 April, so we’d suggest you come to the online event and find out a bit more before you respond to the consultation.

Book your place here


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