Mental Health First Aider & Wellbeing Champion Support Network Launch



This event is for those supporting the mental health & wellbeing of their organisation. Creating a safe space to talk & share best practice.

  • Are you keen to break the stigma of mental health in all aspects of our life?
  • Are you interested in volunteering to support people with mental health experiences?
  • Are you driven to help make a difference to other people?
  • Are you currently looking after the mental health and wellbeing support in your business or organisation?
  • Are you a Mental Health First Aider or Mental Health & Wellbeing Champion?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then this is an opportunity to join a pilot virtual event aimed at those supporting the mental health and wellbeing initiative in their organisation/business, creating a safe space to get talking and share best practice and experiences.

Creating an environment that promotes a positive mental health and wellbeing culture is vital for any organisation, of any size. Normalising conversations, helping to break down barriers and stigmas so people know they can reach out to get support, if and when they need it, and importantly, in ways that work for the individual.

What’s key is embedding it as part of the everyday.

Especially as our mental health and wellbeing can be affected in many ways. Things happen all the time in our lives, in and out of work, big and small, that can impact us on a personal and professional level.

So, Cumbria CVS Mental Health Volunteering and Employment Officer, Becky Towns is looking to set up a new network for those in local organisations/businesses who are Mental Health First Aiders/Mental Health & Wellbeing Champions to create a safe space to get talking and share best practice and experiences. Because the impact on sharing could be huge for helping others.

This is just an initial meeting to scope out the interest in developing this further and, what people would like to get from this type of network. It’s also an opportunity to highlight the need to recruit new volunteers to support people with severe mental health experiences into volunteering and employment for this North Cumbria new project, Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment.

If you’ve got any immediate questions before registering, don’t hesitate to email for a chat.

Click here to register your place