Inclusive Volunteering – Focus on Neurodivesity



Are you looking to gain confidence in working inclusively? Wanting to understand more about autism / neurodiversity?

Friday 13th September 2024

12 noon – 1pm


Do you:

– Volunteer in a role where you meet a wide range of members of the public, some of whom may be neurodiverse?

– Volunteer in a role where you support people with autism?

– Work in a role where you support volunteers, some of whom may be neurodiverse?

– Work in a small organisation or community group which interacts with or serves members of the community?

Then this session is for you!

The more knowledge and understanding you have, the more inclusive you and your organisation can be. This will allow you to tap into the full range of talents and resources that each individual is able to offer, and to achieve your organisation’s aims more effectively. You will leave the session with a greater awareness and confidence in working inclusively around autism / neurodiversity.

The session will be led by Cristina Bowman and Claire May, Community Connectors with My Community Penrith. Cristina and Claire are both neurodiverse themselves, and each have a great depth and richness of experience working with autistic individuals and championing a more inclusive society. My Community-Penrith is a community project focused on creating a better place for people with and without a learning disability to live in Penrith. The mission of My Community-Penrith is to create a more inclusive and accessible community for people with learning disabilities and everybody in Penrith. They do this by working with the community to raise awareness, provide resources, and promote understanding and acceptance.

This event is part of our This Is Us project, made possible by Westmorland and Furness Council through funding from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Priority for bookings will be given to those volunteers, trustees and staff supporting organisations in Westmorland and Furness which are Cumbria CVS Members.

To book your place please click on the link below:

Data Protection

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulations (2018), the data controller in respect of your personal data is Cumbria CVS. By registering your interest in the event, you are agreeing for your data to be stored and used by CVS. This will not be accessible to the wider organisation and will be used for the purposes of this event, to meet your needs. Your data will not be shared with any third party, without your prior permission. All data will be held and disposed of in line with our Data Protection and Document Retention Policy.