6 Steps to Successful Funding
January 29, 2015
Date: Thursday 29th January 2015 - Thursday 12th February 2015
Time: 10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Where: Kendal Town Hall
Address: Town Hall, Kendal, LA9 4DL
A three day course for community groups in South Lakeland to help plan, fund, deliver and sustain successful projects
Thursday 29 January, 5 February and 12 February 2015
9.45 am for coffee and registration
Please note: refreshments will be provided at each session but delegates will need to make their own arrangements for lunch
Delegates must attend each session
Day 1: Thursday 29 January – Planning
Identifying the need for your project
Identify and evidence the need for your project. You will be introduced to innovative ways of gathering information and evidence as part or your project consultation.
Planning your project
Pull together all the different strands of your project. Check that your organisation is “fit to be funded”. You will learn how to estimate costs, look at common budgeting mistakes and be introduced to budgeting tools including Full Cost Recovery
Day 2: Thursday 5 February – Funding
Finding funding for your project
Learn about a wide range of ways to finance your venture. Get an overview of different sources of income / funding available including grants, contracts and loans. The session will also highlight the importance of developing a fundraising strategy.
Successful applications – what makes a great funding bid!
This session will focus on the key elements of a great funding bid. It will also help you to understand and identify common reasons why applications fail.
Day 3: Thursday 12 February – Running
An introduction to project management
Focus on how to turn your ideas into reality. Hear about the basic rules of project management including effective
planning and communication. Look at the practical considerations of funders and others in relation to the
development of your project.
Reporting back – monitoring and evaluation explained
An essential part of the sustainable funding process. Look at how to capture and record your project to demonstrate its impact and its worth to funders and other stakeholders. Learn to design your own monitoring and evaluation.
Download a flier here
Book online
Alternatively download a booking form here and return with payment to Cumbria CVS
Bookings are closed for this event.