Planning – an essential exercise
July 4, 2017
We all know that taking time out of a working day is not easy – especially to plan. Daily tasks and meetings get in the way all too often but last month Cumbria CVS staff and trustees did actually take time out to start work on a new Business Plan for Cumbria CVS for 2018 onwards.
The day provided a great (and enjoyable) opportunity for staff and trustees to review our current position and to work together on a future vision for Cumbria CVS and I am pleased to report that exciting work themes are already starting to emerge. We look forward to sharing these with you our members, partners, clients, stakeholders, and as usual, your feedback will be very welcome.
Staying on the theme of planning – remember that Cumbria CVS can help you with your Business Continuity Planning. We are currently updating our plan to ensure it is fit for purpose in our new office and would welcome the opportunity to work with you on yours.
If you are interested in developing a business continuity plan for your organisation and want to know more about what one would entail, or if you are looking to update yours too, please contact us.
And finally, we are currently busy planning for our Open Day on Tuesday 18 July 2017 and it is great to see that many of you have already booked to attend. We are very pleased to welcome the Lord Lieutenant of Cumbria, Mrs Claire Hensman and the Mayor of Carlisle, Cllr Trish Vasey to join us to open this event.
It will provide a great opportunity to meet with CVS staff and Trustees, current tenants/users and have a tour of this newly reinstated building which boasts a range of excellent facilities including office space to rent, rooms to hire, training/meeting spaces, a kitchen, a Changing Places facility, wifi throughout and much more. Further details are below.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Laura Cadman
Chief Executive Officer