Facing a massive increase in demand

Sincere thanks to you all for your really positive feedback that we recently received on how much you are liking our ebulletin updates! Early survey feedback suggests that the key things you want from us include funding information, training and events, networking opportunities, volunteer support, trustee support. You also liked most of the information on […]

Useful Information – November 2022

Events, training, charity news, surveys, research, feedback, reports, services and much more – in one handy place! This page will be updated with new information as we receive it during November. Please check back regularly. (Last update: 24/11/22) You can view October’s Useful Information here to catch up on new information added during October ’22. […]

How Does Employment/Volunteering impact positively on Mental Health?

Shelley Studholme, our Step Forward Project Manager, explores the ways employment and volunteering can have a positive impact on Mental Health. Humans are social beings who need to belong, connect, interact and contribute in a meaningful manner. From this we aspire to be valued and recognised, to be appreciated and even loved if we are […]