Strategic Partners meet

Cumbria CVS Chief Executive, David Allen, attended an important first meeting of Cumbria Strategic Partners on 25 April:

“It was a pleasure to attend the inaugural meeting of partners keen to explore new ways of working together for the benefit of Cumbria earlier today. After Covid-19 and Local Government Re-organisation in Cumbria, this is the first time that senior leaders from so many sectors in Cumbria have met since July 2022. Discussions were resoundingly positive, recognising the considerable assets we already have across Cumbria in the public, private and voluntary sectors – and the great history of collaboration and collective effort we have already achieved. A common approach to tackling challenges – along with sharing ideas and resources – has to be the right approach for an effective and sustainable Cumbria, and I am confident that the voluntary sector will again play a significant role”.

L-R: Levi Buckley (Executive Area Director, North-East and North Cumbria NHS Integrated Care System); Alison Hatcher (Deputy CEO at Westmorland and Furness Council), Richard Leafe (CEO, Lake District National Park Authority), Suzanne Caldwell (Managing Director, Cumbria Chamber of Commerce), Sam Plum (CEO, Westmorland and Furness Council), David Butterworth (CEO, Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority), David Allen (CEO, Cumbria CVS), Pete Miles (Area Environmental Manager, Environment Agency), Sonia Hutchinson (CEO Cumbria Association of Local Councils), Professor Julie Mennell (Vice-Chancellor, University of Cumbria), Andrew Seekings (CEO, Cumberland Council), Gill Haigh (Managing Director, Cumbria Tourism), Rob Carden (Chief Constable, Cumbria Police).