Step Forward’s Approach and Methodology
February 26, 2025
Project Manager for Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment, Shelley Studholme, explains the Approach and Methodology of the Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment Service:
Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment is a service that was and is co-produced with a lived experience advisory panel. Step Forward is funded by the North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board and hosted by Cumbria CVS – we are a NHS integration. We support individuals who are living alongside their mental health experiences to move forward over a 9-month period into either volunteering or employment.
Using Strengths Based methodology we work in a holistic, person centred, needs led, hopeful, aspirational and therapeutic manner with our clients. We use this language consistently and confidently; and whilst some of the language is self-explanatory, we can at times forget that some of the language we use can need further explanation and expansion.
So, with that in mind I will take this opportunity to give a walk-through of our approach and convey a brief summary of the language we use.
Strength Based Methodology
This approach focuses upon a person’s strengths as assets, we believe our clients start from a place of strength; from the moment our clients reach out to us and seek support they display to us strength, determination and resilience. Working collaboratively and interactively with our clients we begin on the journey of identifying their positive strengths, characteristics, attributes, behaviours and values which will ultimately unlock the true and authentic potential of the individual.
Once identified we then proceed to build upon and use the strengths of the individual to move forward and overcome any barriers, stigma and misconceptions. This approach promotes wellbeing and fosters greater independence and self-esteem. We strongly believe our clients are resourceful, resilient and in control of their own lives.
To ensure we adhere to this methodology we carry out person centred planning with our clients. We work with, for and alongside our clients to identify their strengths, goals, preferences and authentic aspirations. The SWOT tool is a valuable resource that facilitates this work. Using and celebrating this approach we build a relationship of mutual trust and respect with the client to build upon the interests of the person to develop their skills and learning.
To commence this work and encourage ongoing engagement, we create supportive and therapeutic environments that meet the needs of the individual. Our communication is strengths-based and we celebrate, acknowledge, identify and highlight every SMALL WIN. We consistently positively reframe situations, scenarios and experiences ensuring the client identifies the positives of their lived experiences.
The outcome is a more empowered, confident, independent, focused and driven individual which ultimately promotes, improves and enhances wellbeing. In turn this fosters mental health maintenance and sustainment of improved mental health, using their own renewed and regained self-awareness to create meaningful coping strategies and mechanisms.
We believe our clients engage and gain more satisfaction with our service delivery and have a more elevated and meaningful experience as a result of our commitment and natural affinity to the Strengths Based Approach.
Person Centred
Step Forward is passionate about the person-centred approach and are fully committed to ensuring this is at the heart of our work with clients. We focus upon the needs, aspirations and goals of the individual. We treat our clients with respect and understanding and are fully inclusive, non-judgmental and transparent, we ultimately acknowledge the unique perspective and frame of reference of every individual. Hence our approach must be at all times uniquely tailored to the individual.
Building the relationship with the individual is key to being able to fully understand their needs and ensure we are representative of their authentic aspirations; once the relationship is in place we can begin to action plan and put small steps in place to start to move forward. Ensuring the relationship is positive and strong enables the Employment and Volunteering Liaison Officer to give the right meaningful support which fosters the most value added, impactful and transformative outcomes, change and positive momentum towards consistent forward movement, which is paramount to our work.
The client holds the power and is central to every action and decision taken that leads to forward movement.
Holistic Approach
We embrace and celebrate the holistic approach as a meaningful aspect of our service delivery. We look at the whole person not just the mental health presentation or needs. Our support covers the physical, social, emotional, environmental and – if needs be – spiritual needs of the individual.
It is essential to achieve some degree of equilibrium in the above areas so focus can be given to the work needed for forward movement. If clients do not have financial stability, security, safety and some peace within their lives then it is hard to commit to therapeutic work that fosters forward movement.
Solution Focused and Therapeutic
Finally, we are solution-focused and therapeutic, we consistently work towards forward movement so the individual can Step Forward to a more independent, meaningful, confident life with greater quality of life. We support our clients to find their own solutions with our honest, open, transparent and consistent support delivered with kindness, compassion, empathy and integrity. We are emotionally intelligent and have valuable lived experience.
We use a therapeutic approach to support our clients to develop positive self-esteem, relationships and behaviour management techniques, coping mechanism and strategies whilst identifying their circle of support. We encourage and facilitate the replacement of negative thoughts with more positive and healthier ones conducive to positive self-regard.
In Conclusion
I hope this insight into our work is beneficial and gives some perspective of it’s value, the impact it can have and the transformative changes it can initiate within the individuals who commit to the journey and embrace the support of the Step Forward team. We welcome conversations, interest and curiosity about the service we provide and deliver and welcome you to get in touch for further conversations or if you have any questions, or would like to work collaboratively with us. There is so much more to say about the Step Forward service, but for now that is enough.
Thank you for reading and good mental health, keep normalising the conversations regarding mental health.
Get in touch with our Step Forward team on 01768 800350, or email