Planning for the future in South Copeland

Our South Copeland Development Officer, Beresford Moyle Rosser, gives us an update on what’s he’s been up to as he begins year two, and why it’s important to have a plan for the next five years:


The South Copeland Project has now entered it’s second year and it has proved to be as busy as ever!

With Summer coming to an end (did we have a Summer this year?) and the ushering in of Autumn, my drop in sessions commence starting on the 26th September at Drigg Village Hall and then at Thwaites Village Hall at The Green on the 7th November.

I love these drop in sessions – they are informal and it is always just so nice to meet people over a cup of coffee or tea and see how I can support them with whatever they need – whether it is finding funds for a project, recruiting volunteers or even starting up a small voluntary group and looking at the various options that are available.

The other event I am looking forward to is next week with the second Voluntary Group social event to be held at Thwaites Village Hall on the 17th September between 1030 and 1230. This is just a social gathering of different voluntary groups getting together and networking with each other. Its an opportunity to catch up and learn what others are doing in the South Copeland Community and sharing ideas and events and, indeed, problem solving as well! Twenty five different groups attended the first event held earlier this year and the plan is to make these events bi-monthly moving forward, thus building strong bonds and a sense of community with voluntary organizations in South Copeland.

Looking to the future, this year, I am wanting to support more organisations to become more sustainable and have good strong governance in place and a thriving well supported volunteer base. We have already had a two day training course, on line, in putting together a strong grant application and I am about to role out Trustee Training workshops for trustees of charities to help them fully appreciate their responsibilities and roles. And on the 24th October there is an open day for volunteers planned.

Time and again, I hear Funders ask me how sustainable do I think a local group is when asking for a grant. The importance of having a Charity Plan and objectives for the next 5 years is becoming increasingly important. Funders need to know that monies given will be used effectively and by an organisation which will be around for a while and not gone tomorrow however laudable their aims are.

If you would like to explore developing your own 5 year Plan – or perhaps like to review and update your existing Plan, then reach out to me and I will be happy to help. My contact details are below:

Beresford Moyle Rosser
Mobile: 07826 284929
Office Address: Cumbria CVS, Duddon Rd Millom Community Hub Salthouse Rd Millom LA18 5AB.
Beresford works Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 0900-1700.