Ignite a Spark- Get on Board!



Cumbria CVS is working in partnership with Cumbria Chamber of Commerce to host their Business Bites Network Meeting at Cumbria CVS , Shaddongate Resoure Centre, Shaddongate, Carlisle as part of Trustees’ Week 2024 on Tuesday 5 November from 10.30am-12noon.

Cumbria CVS is inviting 8 organisations that are looking to recruit new trustees in Carlisle to attend this event in order to network with local businesses and promote your trustee volunteering opportunities.

This informal business networking session will bring together a range of organisations that are looking to recruit new trustees or board members, e,g. general trustees, secretary, treasurer, chair, etc, alongside local businesses.

By attending the event attendees from the Business Bites Network Meeting through Cumbria Chamber of Commerce will find out more about what a trustee and board member is, the roles and responsibilities of trustees, skills and qualities needed to be a trustee, the range of trustee volunteering opportunities available, when and where volunteers are needed, training and support provided and how individuals can register and apply to become a Volunteer Trustee.

We kindly ask that each organisation that attends to bring a display and information about what your organisation does and your trustee roles, when and where you need trustees, time commitment, training and support available, how volunteers can register to become a trustee, etc.

Priority bookings will go to Cumbria CVS members and those organisations registered on the Volunteering in Cumbria Portal. Please book by 15 August where places will be confirmed based on priority bookings on CVS members and those on Volunteering Portal and to allow time for publicity through Cumbria Chamber of Commerce.

Data Protection

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulations (2018), the data controller in respect of your personal data is Cumbria CVS. By registering your interest in the event, you are agreeing for your data to be stored and used by CVS. This will not be accessible to the wider organisation and will be used for the purposes of this event, to meet your needs. Your data will not be shared with any third party, without your prior permission. All data will be held and disposed of in line with our Data Protection and Document Retention Policy.