Cumbria CVS Online Network & Listening Event on Policies



This event is an online networking event for organisations and will be held via TEAMS.

The theme of the session is ‘Policies – are you compliant?’

The aim of the session is to help people from different parts of the region to get to know each other and share best practice and knowledge. This will also provide the framework for building training sessions that meet the need of our members.

The group will share experiences of policies and procedures:

· What policies do you have in place?

· Do you know what is (legally) required?

· Do you know where to access support?

· What are the training and support needs

You will tell us what policy training CCVS can provide to help support your organisation.

To book your place, please click on the link below:

Please let us know if you wish to cancel so your place can be made available for other delegates

Data Protection

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulations (2018), the data controller in respect of your personal data is Cumbria CVS. By registering your interest in the event, you are agreeing for your data to be stored and used by CVS. This will not be accessible to the wider organisation and will be used for the purposes of this event, to meet your needs. Your data will not be shared with any third party, without your prior permission. All data will be held and disposed of in line with our Data Protection and Document Retention Policy.