Wood turners craft wig stands for cancer treatment ladies
May 19, 2022
Our Living With and Beyond Cancer Service was delighted to be handed wig stands made by the members of The Border Wood Turners at their AGM, at Brampton Community Centre recently.

During their meeting Ian Foster, president of the Border Wood Turners, said “It has been a pleasure to be able to make something for the benefit of others. We hope to be able to continue to make more wig stands in the future The Border Woodturners Club, is a welcoming group and are happy to provide expertise and advice to anyone who would like to try woodturning. If you are interested in trying please look at our website.”

“The idea of making wig stands came after I saw an article about a woodturning club in the south of England doing wig stands and thought it would be something worthwhile for us to do. I collected some scrap wood from a building site and recycled it into pieces that could be turned into wig stands. Each one is made by a different person, so each one is unique, and we hope will be appreciated and useful to those who need them.”
Jane Macfarlane, who received the wig stands on behalf of Living With and Beyond Cancer Coordinator service said “The wig stands are all beautiful and each one is unique. I know that this generous offer will be appreciated by many ladies who have suffered hair loss as a result of their cancer and its treatment. It is so heart arming knowing that so much caring and thought has gone into making the stands.”
The stands are offered free of charge to anyone living in North Cumbria. If you would like to receive one, please contact Jane Macfarlane at Cumbria CVS. Please email info@cumbriacvs.org.uk or phone 01768 800350.