Trustee Focus – November 2022

Trustees’ Week 2022 – 7-11 November

Trustees Week is a time for us to come together to celebrate the achievements of over 1 million trustees across the UK.

The theme this year is making a difference in changing times. As our external environment continues to change, we face new challenges. The positive impact you make as a trustee is invaluable to a sector that is now as important as ever to benefit society. Thank you for the time, commitment and effort you bring to your charities to help them thrive.

What are you going to do during Trustees’ Week?

  • How about promoting your trustee opportunities (We can help you with this)?
  • What about sharing the benefits of being a trustee with colleagues, friends, family and encouraging them to become a trustee? And you could do some mini case studies on why people are trustees and share on social media
  • And don’t forget to say thank you your trustees. They are wonderful people who volunteer their time freely

Recruiting and Keeping Directors

3 November, 11am – 2pm, The Beacon, Whitehaven

We’d like to highlight an opportunity for West Cumbrian-based social enterprises* who are looking to recruit new board members, being held by Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership.

(*the definition of social enterprises is broad and includes charities that trade/sell services.)

The event will celebrate the great work carried out by Directors and cover:

  • What is involved in being a Director (for people who are thinking of becoming one)
  • How to recruit Directors – for social enterprises that need to get more people on board

There is a free lunch and a great opportunity for social enterprises to meet with potential new Directors.

If you would like to attend this event then please Book your place here