We are delighted to announce that David Allen will join Cumbria CVS as Chief Executive Officer on 29 July 2019. David has over 20 years experience of working at a senior level in national charities, and has worked across the UK, including 10 years based in the North West of England. Most recently, he has […]
Cumbria Arts and Culture Network Chair and Deputy have now been appointed: Richard Foster (Brewery Arts) will assume the role of Chair, supported by Catherine Coulthard (Prism Arts) as Deputy – congratulations to both! The Cumbria Arts and Culture Network will meet on 2 May – part of this meeting will be devoted to the Chair exploring with […]
The Kickstart programme began working with Year 8 children in January 2019 across five secondary schools in the Barrow and Furness area. This is an expansion of two schools from last year with the addition of Dowdales School (Dalton in Furness) and Ulverston Victoria High School. The programme designed to improve communication, confidence, leadership, resilience […]
I would like to start this month’s EBulletin by letting you know that after very careful consideration I have decided to leave Cumbria CVS. Since I joined it has been a wonderful two years of progress and challenge, and I am very proud of all that Cumbria CVS has achieved, and the strategic direction of […]
With conventional services overstretched, teenagers in the Cumbria coastal town of Maryport teamed up to assist their peers. Frustrated by the waiting times for mental health services, they formed a group, We Will, to campaign for more understanding and skilled support for young people suffering mental ill health. The group of teens knew they would need […]
Cumbria Third Sector Network Deputy Chair Deadline Thursday 31 January Cumbria Third Sector Network is looked to recruit a Deputy Chair with indepth knowledge of the Third Sector to support the Networks Chair. For the application form and more information please go here.
Third Sector Representative for Cumbria LEP Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership (Cumbria LEP) is the strategic body through which Cumbria-wide economic activities, priorities and objectives are supported and coordinated. It is a business-led partnership between the public and private sectors, with responsibility for steering growth strategically in local communities. Cumbria LEP is planning to appoint a […]
Cumbria CVS is pleased to announce the first Twitter Hour of 2019!! Join us on Tuesday 5 February 2019 #cvsvolunteerhour 8-9pm During this hour, we will be looking at Volunteering Opportunities in Cumbria so please follow us @CumbriaCVS and share your volunteering opportunities using the hashtag #cvsvolunteerhour If your organisation is not on Twitter or is unable […]