Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities – August 2024

Welcome to Cumbria CVS’s Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities for April 24. This page will be updated regularly, so we are delighted you have landed here today and hope that you will keep coming back for updates during the month.

To catch up on our News, Events & Opportunities from July 2024, click here

Lots of the News, Events and Opportunities information will also be appearing in our regular Health and Wellbeing Bulletin. This Bulletin is sent out to all current members of our two Networks: Action for Health and the Mental Health Provider Forum. If you have found this page useful why not join either or both Networks by following these links:

Action for Health

Mental Health Provider Forum

News – we will be using this as an opportunity to pick out particularly important/interesting articles from our most recent Bulletin and/or highlighting information that might be time sensitive.

Events – we will be using this as an opportunity to highlight events of interest to organisations interested in health and care issues including Network events. Most of these will be local Cumbria events but some maybe regional.

Opportunities – we will be using this to highlight health and care focused funding and project opportunities, representative roles and working groups you might want to get involved in and much more. These will focus on Cumbria but may also include regional opportunities.

If you’ve seen something you think we should be sharing, let us know! Email us:

Clare Edwards

Holly Ferguson

Steph Mallinson

Sarah Penn

COUNTYWIDE – Physical Activity Hero Award in the UK Active Awards 2024

Danielle Vipond Houghton – Better Health & Communities Manager Westmorland & Furness Partnership

I am delighted to be shortlisted for the Physical Activity Hero Award in the UK Active Awards 2024.  My career progression from Healthwise Facilitator to Health & Communities manager in Westmorland & Furness is fantastic and my enthusiasm never wavers. From growing Healthwise to 630+ active members from just 26 individuals, establishing strong working relations with both South & North Cumbria NHS Health Trusts, NHS MSK Co-Location, developing the ESCAPE Pain Pathway to introducing the Pool-Pod are just some of many ways I have positively influenced local health and wellbeing opportunities. To be able to go to work, empower someone to move more, to manage their medical condition to lead a happier, healthier life is fantastic. It is beyond amazing to know that exercises personally prescribed to someone now means they can continue to function independently, are no longer reliant on painkillers, have the confidence to join a social exercise group or reduced medication is a feeling like no other.

I graduated from Leeds Beckett University in 2017 with a First Class Honours degree in Sport, Physical Activity and Health. This provided knowledge and understanding of obesity management, rehabilitation for contemporary health issues (including eating disorders, HIV and bipolar) and how to design and implement community health improvement interventions. During my time at University, I completed an 8-month work-placement within the Active Leeds Team within Leeds City Council to see physical activity schemes being implemented in community settings. I also gained my Level 3 Exercise for Referral Diploma alongside my studies. After graduating, I volunteered with the Active Lives Team at Lancaster City Council to gain further skills and experience in delivering an exercise referral scheme. I applied for the Healthwise Facilitator role a few years later after having some time out to travel around the world.

Outside of work you’ll find me walking, swimming and camping in the Lake District, reading crime thrillers and gardening. I volunteer weekly at Animal Rescue Cumbria walking their rescue dogs and recently became a Trustee of Sandgate Hydrotherapy Pool.

I am one of eight finalists in the “Physical Activity Hero” category of UK Active Awards (a high-level, prestigious, national award and recognised internationally – think Leisure Sector meets BAFTA’s). I am representing all the hard work our Health & Community and wider teams. This award category is dependent on public votes and it would mean a great deal if you can vote for me. This link will take you straight to the voting page: and it takes around 10 seconds to vote.

How to cast your vote:

1.       Select the nomination you would like to vote for.

2.       Submit your vote.

The public voting poll will be live from now and will remain open until the 30th August 2024.  


WESTMORLAND & FURNESS COUNCIL area – NEW 5 year Children & Young People’s Plan

Westmorland and Furness Council has set out its ambitions for every child in a new strategy approved this week.

The 5-year Children and Young People’s plan was approved by cabinet and comes on the back of a successful Ofsted inspection result.

The council’s Children’s Services department was rated as “Good” by Ofsted following a routine inspection back in April.

The new strategy – and the strategic priorities and ambitions within it – are based on the views of children, young people, and their families.

According to the strategy, which is available on the council website, children and young people said they want to feel safe in their communities and in their homes, that they want to do well at school, receive more help to progress into training or work, receive support earlier for their health and wellbeing, and take part in activities or visiting places that are inexpensive.

WEST CUMBRIA area – Together We Talk reopen for referrals for families, children & young people in West Cumbria

Together We Talk is thrilled to announce that we are now able to reopen referrals for families, children, and young people in West Cumbria.

This exciting development comes thanks to securing further funding and the success of recent fundraising events held in support of our mission.

Together We Talk continue to operate at reduced capacity as they await further funding decisions, and kindly ask for your patience during this period and assure you that they are doing everything possible to expand their services.

Together We Talk expect to be able to provide updates regarding adult referrals soon and appreciate your continued support and understanding.

Their most up to date referral form can be downloaded from


SOUTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Women’s Health Event

Thursday 12th September, 8:30am – 4:20pm
Barton Manor Hotel, Preston

The Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
invites you to the Women’s Health Hub network event.

This event is for health care professionals and service providers: local authority, ICB, acute trusts, place partnerships, community and voluntary service providers – not for service users/ patients.


COUNTYWIDE – Mental Health Provider Forum meeting

18th September 2024 10:30 – 12:30 Followed by a FREE networking lunch until 1.30pm

Wigton Market hall, The Market Hall, Church Street, Wigton, CA7 9AA

These events are always an opportunity to meet with other people from third sector organisations who have in interest in all things mental health and mental wellbeing in North Cumbria. The events are also a space to hear about the latest developments in relation to health and care and keep up to date with new initiatives, services and projects as they develop.

Speakers confirmed so far are: 

  • COUNTYWIDE – Update from Growing Well of all the work happening at their Egremont site – Angela Foster
  • CUMBERLAND COUNCIL area – Adult Social Care and Housing – Chris Jones-King & Karen Bell
  • COUNTYWIDE – Andy’s Man Club update – Chris Green
  • SOUTH CUMBRIA – update from S Cumbria Mental Health Partnerships Officer & Steering Group – Stephanie Mallinson
  • COUNTYWIDE – MIND up dates Carlisle & Eden MIND – Michael Boden

To book a space to attend, please click here


NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Series of FREE Lunch & Learn events about dementia

PLEASE NOTE – although this refers to North East & Yorkshire this include North Cumbria  

These sessions are intended to be informal and interactive so that people from different backgrounds across NEY with an interest in the subject have the chance to share their experiences, ideas, and positive practice. You’re welcome to talk about challenges, share successes or just come and listen and provide and receive some peer support. Each session will begin with a short presentation followed by a facilitated interactive discussion for everyone to join in.

For more information, please click here

NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – 2 NEW funding streams to support cancer projects

Innovation grants for charitable organisations to support delivery of prehabilitation interventions/services for cancer patients across the North East and North Cumbria (NENC) to improve quality of life, health and treatment options/outcomes, and support cancer patients to increase any form of physical activity, nutritional optimisation, and emotional resilience.

How much can you apply for?
Grants will normally be between £5,000-£10,000 per organisation over 12 months. For details of award amounts above this level, applicants MUST speak with the Grants Officer before applying.

  • The closing date for applications is 8 September 2024.
    Follow this link:

Grants for grassroots charitable organisations to increase locally accessible information and support for anyone affected by cancer, including carers, family and friends. Projects should aim to connect with people in communities that have experienced cancer, either directly or indirectly and provide community-based support or activities that will contribute towards their wellbeing, to live with and beyond cancer.

Grants of up to £500 will be considered.

  • Applications will be assessed on a rolling basis up until 8 September 2024.

Follow this link:

If you would like further information about this fund please contact:
Sarah Thompson on 01900 825760 or email


NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Join our BIG conversation about women & girls health

Join our BIG Conversation about women & girls health

In our region, we want better and fairer health for all women and girls. Even with the progress we’ve made, women and girls still face challenges when it comes to their health. We want to change this.

Listening and acting on the views and experiences of women is a key part of making the changes we want to see happen – which is why we have launched our BIG conversation to better understand what’s working well and what we can improve.

The views we hear will directly feed into our plans for the women’s health in the region.

Please fill in a short survey, to have your say, by 8th September. If you fill in the survey, you can join a prize draw for a £100 Love to Shop voucher.

The NHS are working with Healthwatch and will also be running six focus groups alongside this survey. These groups will reach out to women from seldom heard groups such as people with a learning disability, unpaid carers, and women with maternal mental health challenges.


Pamela Martyn

Involvement and Engagement Lead North Cumbria Integrated Care Board


NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Survey: How the NHS use data

Patients are being asked their views about how the local NHS uses data to personalise and improve health services. Known as ‘risk stratification’, the NHS uses patient data such as age, gender, diagnoses, hospital attendance and admissions to link with data at GP practices. The data is then analysed to help the NHS better plan health services for the local area. It helps to spot and proactively manage long-term conditions, prevent unplanned hospital admissions and reduce the risk of getting other diseases.

You can complete the online survey and have your say until 16 August 2024.

Find out more online or further information is available by emailing the Involvement Team.