Mental Health Provider Forum
Cumbria Mental Health Provider Forum is a network of third sector organisations with a mental health or mental wellbeing focus.
You may want to join the Network if you work or volunteer for an organisation that:
Provides mental health or mental wellbeing services or supports those impacted by mental health and wellbeing issues
- Provides generalist health and care services including wellbeing services
- Has an interest in supporting people and communities to live healthy lives
- Has an interest in how mental health, mental wellbeing and care services are provided in their community or to the people they support
Our Mental Health Provider Forum provides an opportunity for local organisations to connect – with one another and with colleagues from statutory mental health, mental wellbeing & care services.
It is a place and space for us to share a whole range of information about mental health, mental wellbeing and care services across the county with the sector.
And it provides our sector with an opportunity to develop and deliver a unified third sector voice in relation to mental health, mental wellbeing and care issues, concerns, governance and structures across the county.
The Network gives groups the opportunity to:
- promote themselves
- find out about support, training, key contacts and good practice
- keep up to date on health and wellbeing issues
- find out about local, regional and national policies and access information which may affect groups and their beneficiaries
- influence decisions made in Cumbria regarding mental health and mental wellbeing through consultations, and by representing the network at strategic meetings
The network meets on alternate months of the year, with additional events held as necessary.
The core membership of the network comprises of volunteers, staff and trustees from third sector organisations working in Cumbria that have an interest in mental health, mental wellbeing and social care issues.
Associate members from public statutory bodies also attend, as the programme for the network events is aimed at improving relationships between the sectors and sharing updates and information on key areas of interest.
As a member of the Networks you will receive:
- A regular Health and Wellbeing Bulletin
- Invitations to regular Network meetings
- Opportunities to attend other focused events
- Opportunities to be involved in co-production, development and planning of health & care services
Follow this link to catch up with copies of our Health & Wellbeing Bulletin
Follow this link to find out information about the next Mental Health Provider Forum meeting
Become a member
To join our mailing list, please email stating that you want to join the Mental Health Provider Forum mailing list.
Network support
The Network is supported by the following staff from Cumbria CVS
Health Partnerships Manager – Clare Edwards
telephone: 01768 800350
Health Partnerships Administration Officer – Holly Ferguson
telephone: 01768 800350
Cumbria Third Sector Network
The Cumbria Mental Health Provider Forum is part of the Cumbria Third Sector Network.
For more information about the Cumbria Third Sector Network please click here.