The Specialist Networks
The specialist networks are shown as the ‘slices’ of the diagram, and comprise groups of third sector organisations with a common interest. The “outer wheel” gives areas of broad interest, whilst the “inner wheel” names infrastructure organisations and networks that already exist. Most, but not all, areas are currently covered.
Each specialist network selects a representative to attend meetings of the Cumbria Third Sector Executive.
Each specialist network must meet minimum standards relating to their membership and selection/support of representatives. However, beyond these minimum standards, there is wide variation between the networks. Some “networks” are in fact the membership of an organisation. Some only exist as email networks with minimal staff support; others may meet regularly.
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Please feel free to add yourselves to any/all appropriate mailings – it’s a great opportunity to review what you need and ensure that you are receiving information from the areas of most use/interest to you. As part of the process, you will need to verify your email address and confirm your chosen subscription(s) – so please do keep an eye out for these emails and confirm them as required. Thank you.
Email contact details for each Specialist Network are given below:
Specialist Network | Contact Details |
General Third Sector Support |
David Allen, Cumbria CVS, CEO |
Advice and Information |
Citizens Advice
Providing free, confidential, impartial and independent advice and information to people on their rights and responsibilities. We provide the advice people need for the problems they face and campaign to improve the policies and practices that affect people’s lives. |
Tara Edwards
Arts and Culture |
Cumbria Arts and Culture Network (CACN)
CACN is a network for arts and cultural organisations and individual creative practitioners based in, or connected to, Cumbria. Our mission is to connect, empower, champion and extend arts and cultural provision within the region and beyond. |
Kate Parry
Children and Young People |
Children and Young People’s Voluntary Sector Reference Group
Enhancing the lives of families, children and young people in need, through collaboration between 200 networked organisations. |
Becky Wolstenholme |
Environment |
Cumbria Sustainability Network
Cumbria Sustainability Network is an informal group of community-based organisations who are working to reduce carbon emissions and promote environmental sustainability. It is administered through Cumbria Action for Sustainability and is part of the Zero Carbon Cumbria Partnership which aims to reduce carbon emissions in the County to Net Zero by 2037. |
Helen Attewell
Cumbria Local Nature Partnership
Protecting and enhancing local environment and their wildlife and providing opportunities for local people and visitors to engage, enjoy and benefit, contributing to community cohesion and local economies. |
Paul Evans
Economy and Enterprise |
Cumbria Social Enterprise Partnership – Working in partnership to strengthen social enterprise in Cumbria
Promoting and supporting the development of social enterprises for local services and increasing community sustainability. |
Pippa Smith
Equality and Diversity
We are currently working on strengthening this area of TSN as the organisations involved have changed. |
Funding |
Cumbria Funders Network
Cumbria Funders have produced a forum of funders who are united in aspiration to support the communities and VCSE sector within Cumbria. With a focus on collaboration – convening funders to connect, contribute and work collectively. The forum is made up of a mixture of local and national funders. Our agreed strategic aims are to collaborate, to share knowledge, to support each other and to drive best practise. |
Jenny Benson
Faith |
Churches Together in Cumbria
Enhancing community cohesion and supporting the needs of local people through ecumenical community outreach and support. |
Jo Phillips
Health and Wellbeing |
TSNE Elected Representative to Cumbria CCC Health and Wellbeing Board | Colin Ranshaw |
Action for Health Network
Improving the physical and spiritual health and providing support services including ageing, mental health, learning difficulties and substance use. |
Geoff Jolliffe (Chair of Cumbria Action for Health Network)
Mental Health Provider Forum
Working with key providers of services to improve the lives of people with Mental Health. Equally, MHPF is a pressure group who work together to highlight areas of importance to the local Council/Health and MPs. |
Denise Majer (Mental Health/Learning Disabilities and Autism Provider Forum) |
Learning Disability Provider Forum
Working with key providers of services to improve the lives of people with Learning Disability. Equally, LDPF is a pressure group who work together to highlight areas of importance to the local Council/Health and MPs. |
Denise Majer (Mental Health/ Learning Disabilities and Autism Provider Forum) James Cox |
We are currently working on strengthening this area of TSN as the organisations involved have changed. |
Physical Activity, Movement and Sport |
Active Cumbria
Improving lives through physical activity and ensuring that everyone in Cumbria is enjoying an active lifestyle. |
Bruce Lawson |
Rurality |
ACTion with Communities in Cumbria
Rural and community development charity for Cumbria with 1,400 supporter base. Championing rural and community issues, supporting communities to: Plan for the Future, Develop Projects, Work with Others, influence and change policy. |
Lorrainne Smyth |
Training and Learning |
(currently vacant) |
Transport |
Cumbria Community Transport Forum
Reducing physical and social isolation through promoting and supporting the provision of community transport. |
Liz Clegg |
Volunteering |
County Volunteering Network
Increasing the capacity to provide invaluable services for the local community and increased community cohesion, together with enhancing the quality of life, health and well-being and skills of volunteers. |
Judith Smale
Trustee Network
The Trustee Network brings together trustees & directors from different organisations to share experience, good practice, ideas and offer peer support. It will also look at sharing skills and knowledge between trustees, along with the best way of offering peer support between trustees in Cumbria. |
Judith Smale