Supporting South Copeland
September 29, 2023
Our South Copeland Development Officer, Beresford Moyle Rosser, gives us an update on what’s he’s been up to since joining us in the summer:
Since being in my post for the past 2.5 months, it has been incredibly busy as I have visited different areas of South Copeland introducing myself to voluntary organisations in Millom, Drigg and Eskdale and learning of the work they do and the needs they have.
The main focus of my work so far has been to meet community hall representatives in the area surrounding Millom. I’ve been assisting them to improve their provision of audio visual equipment which would enable the community halls to offer cinema evenings, enhanced community meeting facilities and possibly attract additional revenue in improved hall hire. Four potential suppliers have been sourced and we are in the process of obtaining quotations and arranging site surveys so that a grant application can be submitted by the end of October.
I have also been assisting two local South Copeland charities to obtain funding for staff costs and future development work and there is an organisation who needs assistance in putting together a feasibility study and a five year plan. I am looking forward to meeting a small charity soon, to assist them in improving their social media presence and help create a web site for them and I am helping another group begin the fledgling steps to start a new service to benefit young people in South Copeland.
What I am loving about the work I do is the wide variety of people and organisations I am meeting and learning about the incredible work they are doing for the community they serve. And I am just starting to scratch the surface! Future events I have planned include the Trustee Recruitment event we are arranging on the 8th November at Millom Hub, a volunteer recruitment fair in January 2024 and some training sessions for new trustees on the role of trustees within the community group they serve.
But there is so much more to do in the months ahead!