Step Forward into Spring
April 17, 2023
Shelley Studholme is Project Manager for Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment, which provides tailored support for people in North Cumbria who are facing challenges from Severe Mental Health Experiences.

We are now in the month of April; the sun is bursting through the clouds and the birds are singing and we feel grateful for longer days and the opportunity to spend more time outdoors.
The Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment Service for individuals with Mental Health experiences is beginning to bloom and take shape, the dynamics of the multi skilled and talented team have ensured the service has been able to move at pace and become a meaningful, up and running service; which responds to needs quickly.
We are a holistic, needs led, hopeful and aspirational employment and volunteering IPS service that moulds around the individuals to ensure we capture their aspirations and goals and reflect them accurately, when looking for volunteering and employment placements. We work with our clients in a time unlimited manner identifying any barriers to forward movement and helping clients to overcome challenges, obstacles and potential fears towards employment and volunteering. We have and continue to successfully put interventions in place to support client’s self-development, growth and journey and stay by their side throughout their experience – moving always towards a placement and moving forward at their pace.
Up to date interventions which have been implemented in response to our clients’ needs are vast and varied and brilliant! The Step Forward Service has sourced 1 to 1 counselling and talk therapy sessions, worked with our partners Together We to enrol clients into The Recovery College, carried out CV and interview sessions, helped and supported clients to access community 1 to 1 English courses, signposted to bespoke services that add an extra layer of support, worked in unison with the police, Triple A, social prescribers and our colleagues at the DWP amongst many others; encouraged and actively supported clients to attend community groups that have been instrumental in their journey with social isolation and pushed them out of their comfort zones to embrace opportunities that brought them joy!
As we bounce into Spring, we are capturing the metrics which ultimately prove the need for the service and already we have 7 jobs secured, covering fixed term and permanent contracts, 4 volunteering placements successfully in place and a host of organisations offering volunteering opportunities… Solfest being one of the most unique. We are currently supporting clients on the 14 week in week support pathway; and have successfully ensured our very own Admin and Referral Coordinator made it to the 6 months at work mark thriving. Ensuring the reasonable adjustments of flexible hours, regular access to support and the correct approach of valuing and listening has enabled her to achieve and develop at a consistent and wonderful rate, she now has many accolades to celebrate.
We have gained recognition and respect from other services and have been fortunate enough to complement other services in the work that they do, building upon our strong value of working together. We have been made starkly aware of the need for bespoke mental health services that support individuals within the community with enduring and serious mental health experiences into meaningful and quality work and volunteering placements, with the right work culture and support in place.
We are about to launch an employee/employer’s toolkit to support and encourage better and more inclusive mental health workplace practices and culture. We have attended over 70 networking events to promote the service. Looking ahead, we plan to host an event in September that aims to bring together a range of companies and organisations looking to attract anyone interested in finding out more about employment and volunteering opportunities on a local level… and excitingly, we have incorporated a great initiative, the Library of Lived Experience into our working practices to raise awareness.
So, all in all we have been and continue to be very busy, but we are grateful for the difference we can and do make and the opportunity to work with such talented clients!