Face-to-Face Fair brings funders and community organisations together in Eden
May 4, 2022
We hosted the Eden Funding Fair, supported by Eden District Council, in April, with the event bringing together a range of National and Local funders and invited community organisations to talk about the latest funding opportunities available.

Funders attending included: National Lottery Community Fund, Heritage Lottery Fund, Francis C Scott Trust, Hadfield Trust, Cumbria Community Foundation, Cumbria County Council and many more.
The fair represented a massive opportunity for groups across Eden and Carlisle to talk about funding, but also talk to our staff about a range of issues they are experiencing. This year over 40 organisations came to Penrith Rugby Club, with topics ranging from setting up a new community group, to how to increase diversity and representation in a sports group.
Funding fairs across the county this year have been the first to be held face-to-face since the restrictions imposed by the pandemic, and feedback from funders and members has been incredibly positive, which has encouraged us to start the process for next year’s events.
If you have attended any of the funding fairs in the past year we would welcome your thoughts about them. If you have any suggestions on how we might improve them for future events, let us know my emailing info@cumbriacvs.org.uk and titling the email: Funding Fair Feedback.