Does your charity or social enterprise need to access funding?

Organisations in Allerdale and South Copeland are invited to book-on to our free training course in bid writing and the fundraising landscape.

The Bid-Writing for Charities & Community Groups course, will teach you the basics of writing a strong funding application and help you fully understand the grant funding process.

This course will also teach you how to avoid common pit-falls in the early stages of your charity fundraising career such as targeting the wrong funding sources.
The training, commissioned by Cumbria CVS, will be delivered virtually via Zoom led by Get Grants, fundraising experts.

Session one takes place on Thursday February 6 from 10am until 1pm and following a week of reflection and practice, the group will reconvene for session two on Thursday February 13.

Get Grants has told us that their training will cover the following topics:

  • Discover how to find funding opportunities and decide which funds are right for you
  • Learn different tactics you can use to argue Need
  • Explore Impact and Outcomes
  • Investigate common errors, reasons applications are rejected, and top tips for increasing your success rates
  • Consider different types of applications, including how to create proposals to Trusts and Foundations
  • Understand how applications are assessed and start to look at your applications from the perspective of the funder

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and share their own experiences with grant funding. See you there?

To sign-up for this free course, click here

Alternatively, email: or if you need support to book a place.