Barrow schools project closes with celebration event

A project, which has empowered 1700 young people in the Barrow area for the last eight years, closed this month with a celebration evening. The event saw previous participants, school staff, head teachers, funders and staff sharing stories of the positive impact achieved over the years.

The Inspiring Barrow Kickstart programme, run by Cumbria CVS, started in July 2016, supporting the personal and social development of young people in the Barrow-in-Furness area. The project was made possible through funding from the Big Lottery Fund’s Reaching Communities grant programme. Its primary aim was to combat social isolation and enhance the self-esteem, confidence, and life skills of children identified by their teachers as needing additional support.

Focusing on children in Years 6, 7, and 8, Inspiring Barrow offered after-school sessions and outdoor activities designed to build teamwork, communication, and leadership skills.

A crowd of over 130 gathered at The Forum for the Inspiring Barrow Final Celebration Evening on the 5th of July. Year 7 Children from Walney School, Furness Academy, Dowdales and Ulverston Victoria High School were the last cohort to take part in the Kick-Start programme in the Furness area.

Alison Phillips of Cumbria CVS, and Helen Carter of Francis Scott Trust, were amongst the guests at the Inspiring Barrow Celebration evening
Project Lead, Dave Cassidy, and HM Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander Scott presenting one of the Inspiring Barrow students with their awards
Guests, including Barrow Mayor Judith McEwen, and HM. Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander Scott, with Inspiring Barrow Project Lead Dave Cassidy (3rd from right)
Project Lead, Dave Cassidy, addresses the audience at Inspiring Barrow Celebration
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Dave Cassidy, Project Lead, said ” It has been an absolute pleasure to have been involved in this project, seeing first-hand the difference it has made to so many young people. I have had an amazing time delivering the programme. I would also like to thank my colleague Kerry Stockdale who was involved for 5 years of the delivery.”

Barrow Mayor Judith McEwen, and HM. Lord Lieutenant Mr Alexander Scott were the dignitaries present to present certificates and special awards, with The Lord Lieutenant bringing his ceremonial sword to the event to explain the historical role of his position.

The project continually adapted to meet the needs of its participants, incorporating online facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and consistently expanding its programmes to include more schools and students each year, with 16 primary schools and 6 secondary schools being supported by the end of the project.

One of the activities children took part in was designing and implementing community campaigns. These were student driven, reflecting issues important to the children and their community. Throughout the programme, students developed and created posters and other materials to support their chosen causes.
A Poetic Challenge saw students collaborate to memorise and recite Spike Milligan’s whimsical poem, “On the Ning Nang Nong”, bolstering their confidence, communication, and team dynamics.

The History Detectives initiative kept support going through the pandemic, providing crucial remote learning, allowing students to continue their personal development in growth and leadership. Through a series of engaging weekly videos, interactive Q&A sessions, and evidence analysis activities, students explored the rich history of Barrow, focusing on significant landmarks and historical figures.

A mentoring programme for Year 6 students was also introduced, which included a partnership with BAE Systems STEM Ambassadors, who support their transition and preparation for SATs, with 150 children receiving help.

Mick Cull, Head teacher, Ormsgill Nursery and Primary School, said “The Inspiring Barrow mentors have been absolutely brilliant. In a short space of time, they have formed meaningful bonds with our children who need that connection most. We have seen a positive impact in the confidence and resilience in these children as a result of the mentoring sessions.”