ICC Representatives

What is an Integrated Care Community?

In North Cumbria we use an integrated approach to delivering health and care services in local communities. This approach is called an Integrated Care Community or ICC. There are 7 of these in North Cumbria covering the following areas:

  • Brampton and Longtown (Carlisle Rural)
  • Carlisle Urban (recently formed from the 2 Carlisle ICCs of Carlisle Healthcare & Carlisle Network)
  • Cockermouth and Maryport
  • Copeland
  • Eden
  • Keswick and Solway
  • Workington

The aim is that ICCs use the collective capabilities, skills, knowledge and connections of GP’s, health and social care professionals, the third sector (voluntary and community) to work alongside the local community to develop and deliver improved health and care services focused on the needs of local people.

Cumbria CVS support a group of ICC Third Sector Representatives (2 in each ICC) nominated by Cumbria Action for Health. Our representatives sit on ICC Collaborative Groups and are the voice of the third sector in the ICC environment working with others on development, service planning and priority setting.

Our Third Sector Representatives are:

  • Powerful ambassadors for all the great health and care services the third sector delivers in North Cumbria
  • Skilled at describing and delivering the third sector’s core skills of innovation, flexibility, working at pace, reach into disadvantaged communities
  • Skilled at leading change, partnership and innovation
  • Interested in working across all sectors and with local communities to plan, develop and deliver local integrated health and care services

We want you and your organisation to connect with your ICC Third Sector Representatives, get involved and keep up to date with the work that ICCs are delivering across North Cumbria.


Meet your ICC Representatives

Each month we will be highlighting one of our ICC Third Sector Representatives and the Collaborative Group that they work with – click here to visit the News section of our website, and look for the latest ICC news and opportunities post.

You can find a list of all the ICC Representatives here


Connect with your ICC Representatives

Click here for a form which enables you to stay connected.

You might want to get in touch with an ICC Third Sector Representative:

  • To find out more about the work that a specific ICC is delivering in the local community and how you can get involved
  • To raise an issue or concern about an ICC, its staff or the way it is operating (particularly in relation to community and third sector integration)
  • To discuss service delivery or partnership development ideas that you and your organisation wish to pursue and how it might integrate into planned work in a specific ICC