Health & Wellbeing
Health and wellbeing in Cumbria
Information, news and support for third sector organisations interested in health and care in Cumbria.
Our definition of health and care includes services such as:
- Hospitals and other NHS services
- General Practice and other medical practices
- Adult Social Care (Social Services)
Public Health - Children’s Services
- Social care services (including home care, residential care & day care)
We play a key role in ensuring that the third sector:
- is informed about what is happening in health and care in Cumbria
- has a voice in key governance structures relating to health and care in Cumbria; particularly our emerging Integrated Care Systems
- has as many opportunities as possible to get involved in the co-production of health and care services and in planning, developing and delivering existing and new services
- encouraging and supporting financial investment in our sector in relation to health and care services in Cumbria
We deliver our role through our health and wellbeing Networks and our Health Partnerships Team and other staff.
Health and wellbeing Networks
Cumbria CVS supports two countywide Networks of third sector organisations.
Our Networks provide an opportunity for local organisations to connect – with one another and with colleagues from statutory health & care services.
They are a place and space for us to share a whole range of information about health and care services across the county with the sector, and they provide an opportunity to develop and deliver a unified third sector voice in relation to health and care issues, concerns, governance and structures across the county.
Action for Health – of interest to those organisations providing or interested in the provision of generalist health and care services including wellbeing service. Find out more about Action for Health here
Mental Health Provider Forum – of interest to those providing mental health or mental wellbeing services or supporting those impacted by mental health and wellbeing issues. Find out more about the Mental Health Provider Forum here
We support and encourage all third sector organisations who deliver health and care services to become members of these Networks. Membership is FREE and open to staff and volunteers.
As a member of the Networks you will receive:
- A regular Health and Wellbeing Bulletin
- Invitations to regular Network meetings
Opportunities to attend other focused events
- Opportunities to be involved in co-production, development and planning of health & care services
To join, please email stating that you want to join either the Mental Health Provider Forum mailing list, the Action For Health mailing list, or both.
Integrated Care Community Representatives
In North Cumbria we use an integrated approach to delivering health and care services in local communities. This approach is called an Integrated Care Community or ICC. There are 7 of these in North Cumbria, with the aim of using the collective capabilities, skills, knowledge and connections of GP’s, health and social care professionals, the third sector (voluntary and community) to work alongside the local community to develop and deliver improved health and care services focused on the needs of local people.
Cumbria CVS support a group of ICC Third Sector Representatives who sit on ICC Collaborative Groups and are the voice of the third sector in the ICC environment working with others on development, service planning and priority setting.
Find out more about our ICC Reps and how to get in touch with them here
Health and care in Cumbria – statutory provision
What do our statutory health and care sector structures look like here in Cumbria – who provides what and how can our sector get more involved?
Click here to explore statutory provision in Cumbria and to find out more about how you and your organisation can keep up to date with what is happening at regional and local level.
The page will also provide you with information about how to get more involved in representing our sector at a regional and local level.
Health Partnerships Team
Health Partnerships Manager – Clare Edwards
telephone: 01768 800350
Health Partnerships Administration Officer – Holly Ferguson
telephone: 01768 800350
Health Partnerships Support Officer – Sarah Penn
telephone: 01768 800350
South Cumbria Mental Health Partnerships Project
We are be working to support collaborative partnerships to improve services for people experiencing Serious Mental Illness.
Working with VCSFE partners delivering services and health and care teams, the role supports them to identify opportunities to collaborate and work as a system. Contact Clare Edwards (details above) if you would like to know more about this project.
Third Sector Referral Coordinator Team
Senior Third Sector Referral Coordinator – Dominic Gordon
telephone: 01768 800350
Dominic and his Team work predominantly in the Allerdale, Carlisle, Copeland and Eden areas (North Cumbria NHS area) promoting the numerous Third Sector Organisations and services to Health and Social Care colleagues.
Find out more about the team and what they do here
Health and care explainers
The world of health and care is full of strange terminology and lots of acronyms.
We thought you might find some of these resources worth looking at:
How does the NHS in England work?
What are the key organisations that make up the NHS? And how can they collaborate with partners in the health and care system to deliver joined-up care? A short animation produced by The Kings Fund.
What is population health?
What is a ‘population health’ approach? And what role do we all play in keeping our communities healthy? A short animation produced by The Kings Fund.
What are Integrated care systems?
Follow this link to find out more about geographically based partnerships that bring together providers and commissioners of NHS services with local authorities and other local partners; including the third sector; to plan, co-ordinate and commission health and care services.
Bite-sized social care: What is social care?
What exactly do we mean when we talk about social care? This video produced by The Kings Fund looks at what adult social care consists of, the responsibilities of local government in providing care, and the wider societal context.
What are health inequalities?
These are avoidable, unfair and systematic differences in health between different groups of people. There are many kinds of health inequality, and many ways in which the term is used.