Our Climate Commitment

Minimising our environmental impact

In 2023, Cumbria CVS formed a Climate and Carbon Working Group, with the intention of agreeing and implementing a range of changes to minimise our impact on the environment.

As the leading provider of help, advice, training and support to third sector groups throughout Cumbria we are also committed to assisting the sector to increase its sustainability and minimise its environmental impacts.

We’ll be bringing you links to useful resources, information and news, updates on our own climate commitment, blog posts from colleagues about what they’re doing (in a work capacity and privately) to minimise environmental impact and more in Cumbria CVS Green


Organisations supporting positive environmental action in Cumbria

We’re proud to support and work with these organisations, who are committed to taking positive action in Cumbria, and sharing their knowledge:


Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS)

CAfS are Cumbria’s climate change and sustainability organisation. Their vision is a zero carbon Cumbria which is socially, environmentally, and economically beneficial for all.

They aim to achieve this by promoting and facilitating low carbon living and its benefits – inspiring and supporting individuals, communities, and organisations across Cumbria and beyond to decarbonise lives and businesses by 2037 or sooner.

Find our more about CAfS here


Zero Carbon Cumbria 

Zero Carbon Cumbria is a brand that brings together everyone’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions in the county.

From schools to scouts, from businesses to councils, from community groups to individual residents… people and organisations are taking action to cut their carbon footprint and help reach Cumbria’s goal of being a net zero carbon county.

Find out more about Zero Carbon Cumbria here