Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities – June 2024

Welcome to Cumbria CVS’s Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities for April 24. This page will be updated regularly, so we are delighted you have landed here today and hope that you will keep coming back for updates during the month.

To catch up on our News, Events & Opportunities from April 2024, click here

Lots of the News, Events and Opportunities information will also be appearing in our regular Health and Wellbeing Bulletin. This Bulletin is sent out to all current members of our two Networks: Action for Health and the Mental Health Provider Forum. If you have found this page useful why not join either or both Networks by following these links:

Action for Health

Mental Health Provider Forum

News – we will be using this as an opportunity to pick out particularly important/interesting articles from our most recent Bulletin and/or highlighting information that might be time sensitive.

Events – we will be using this as an opportunity to highlight events of interest to organisations interested in health and care issues including Network events. Most of these will be local Cumbria events but some maybe regional.

Opportunities – we will be using this to highlight health and care focused funding and project opportunities, representative roles and working groups you might want to get involved in and much more. These will focus on Cumbria but may also include regional opportunities.

If you’ve seen something you think we should be sharing, let us know! Email us:

Clare Edwards Sarah Penn Holly Ferguson

COUNTYWIDE – Statement from Age UK Carlisle & Eden regarding future delivery of Age UK services in West Cumbria

Age UK Carlisle and Eden are saddened by the closure of Age UK West Cumbria and the gap in services this has created.

Although our priority is with the people of Carlisle and Eden, we are working with other agencies to provide vital services across Cumberland. We will endeavour to support the older people of West Cumbria to the best of our ability, however subject to resources this will primarily be limited to free Information and Advice / combatting poverty, Well@home – hospital discharge, and health and welfare calls. We are also liaising with Cumberland Council to support with sourcing and fitting prescription equipment, this will be an interim service until a new procurement contract is in place.

As things progress, we will keep all stakeholders informed of any new developments.

For more information contact:

Age UK Carlisle & Eden

Tel: 01228 536672

WEST CUMBRIA area – Grief Café at Oval Centre Salterbeck, Workington 

Together We hosts a Grief Café at The Oval Centre, Salterbeck Drive, Salterbeck, CA14 5HA on the 2nd Monday of each month from 4-6pm.

Volunteers provide a safe space for people to come together to chat and help individuals through the difficult times.  Everyone is welcome to come and go as they please.


COUNTYWIDE – Cumbria Local Resilience Forum Summer Hazards Workshops

The Summer Workshops (in July in Barrow & Wigton) will focus on developing an understanding of potential hazards such as extreme heat, drought, surface water flooding, wildfires, water safety, and power outage. It will include a mixture of presentations from our agency partners and practical activities, and learn how you can improve your community emergency plan.

Booking: Booking is required via the link provided below, please book by 21st June to avoid disappointment. Lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you have any questions, please contact:


SOUTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Women’s Health Event

Thursday 12th September, 8:30am – 4:20pm
Barton Manor Hotel, Preston

The Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board
invites you to the Women’s Health Hub network event.

This event is for health care professionals and service providers: local authority, ICB, acute trusts, place partnerships, community and voluntary service providers – not for service users/ patients.

COUNTYWIDE – Opportunity to secure support to develop health partnerships  

Opportunities include:

Are you working in partnership to deliver a project or develop a service. Would you like help to improve your partnership work and to design and implement improved health outcomes for vulnerable groups.

Why not apply for an IVAR  2.5 year facilitation support package, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund. Express your interest by 17:00 on Friday 19 July to access support for your cross-sector partnership

You can download this document to find out the full details, including our offer and examples of Connecting. Health Communities work in previous phases.

If you’re interested in applying, please complete this short expression of interest by 17:00 on Friday 19 July 2024.

NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Would you be interested in joining a discussion group about Cervical Cancer Screening?

Interested? To express your interest for the opportunity to be a member of the projects lay advisory group please follow the link below:


NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Health and wellbeing news for the North East and North Cumbria

The VCFSE partnership for North East and North Cumbria is asking for your help to build a picture of when/how the voluntary sector is delivering unfunded services or support. The team at VONNE has been asked by the Integrated Care Board (ICB) to find out if there are any smaller VCSE organisations in our region who have been receiving unfunded referrals from larger organisations/system partners,  where the larger organisation is funded for the support of the individual but this funding is not being passed on. Larger organisations could be statutory services or larger VCFSEs. For example:

  • Social prescribing
  • Mental health waiting list support
  • Carers assessments
  • Anything else?

This is a complex issue, but providing funding to one organisation for services that are delivered by another organisation is something the ICB wants to tackle via a systemic approach – which will require examples to form an evidence base.

Please email any examples to and VONNE will pass them directly to the ICB.