Make a date to Volunteer




Wednesday 10 February 2016
10.30am – 12noon
Penrith Methodist Church
Wordsworth Street Penrith CA11 7QY

Find your perfect (volunteer) match!
Come along to this event and speak directly to local organisations looking for volunteers.
Organisations attending include the Glenmore Trust, Leonard Cheshire Disability, British Red Cross, Eden Rivers Trust, Eden Carers, Outreach Cumbria, Northwest Ambulance Service, Carlisle and Eden Districts Citizens Advice, Eden Valley Hospice and Jigsaw Children’s Hospice,  East Cumbria Family Support Association, Cumbria Youth Alliance, PACT, Cumbria CVS and more.
No need to book – simply drop in.

See flier for further details: Make a Date to Volunteer 10Feb16