Powered by Communities – an AGM with a difference!




We warmly invite you to join us for our AGM, which will take place at Roundthorn Country House, Penrith.

  • Informal networking session from 9.30am – 10.00am
  • Cumbria CVS AGM 10.00am – 11.00am
  • ‘Powered by Communities’ 11.00am – 3.00pm


Powered by Communities

We are curious to know what people really want to talk about, so we are doing things differently this year and inviting participants to create the agenda on the day. Our curiosity started with this question:

“How might we work together and support one another, as people who care about Cumbria, to build on what’s good and create sustainable futures?”

We would like participants to think about it in advance. Everybody has something to contribute either to the agenda and / or by bringing your personal insight and experience to the smaller group discussions.

The session will be facilitated by Phil Marken from Open Source Arts, and supported by members of Cumbria CVS using Open Space Technology. This is a long established method for giving the control of the agenda to the participants in the conversation. It will help us all to have an open conversation on Community Power, sharing ideas and discovering what is important to each of us.

We hope that you will come with an open mind, and a willingness to participate, empathise and offer your experience, insight and knowledge.

Lunch (vegetarian buffet) and refreshments will be provided, along with plenty of time to chat and meet other people, whilst the hosting team take care of all practicalities.

It is an informal event, so wear something comfortable and we will take care of the rest.

If you would benefit from understanding more about the process before joining the day, you can watch this short video

We look forward to seeing you.

Booking details will follow shortly.


Data Protection

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulations (2018), the data controller in respect of your personal data is Cumbria CVS. By registering your interest in the event, you are agreeing for your data to be stored and used by CVS. This will not be accessible to the wider organisation and will be used for the purposes of this event, to meet your needs. Your data will not be shared with any third party, without your prior permission. All data will be held and disposed of in line with our Data Protection and Document Retention Policy.

Please be aware that photos and video clips may be captured during this event by Cumbria CVS and used to help us promote our services and future events. If you do not wish to be photographed or want to withdraw photo consent at any time, please contact us.