Bid Writing for Charities and Community Groups



Session 1: Thursday August 29th 10am-12pm

Session 2: Thursday September 5th 10am-12pm

Please attend both sessions – your ticket will allow attendance to both dates.

Do you plan to apply for funding for your next big project? Being able to write a strong funding bid is vital to help you achieve your aims in the voluntary and community sector.

Cumbria CVS has commissioned this free training to give non-profit groups the skills to successfully bid for funding in an increasingly competitive field.

The course will be held virtually via Zoom and will be delivered in two sessions of two hours each.

This training is open to community and voluntary sector organisations in Allerdale and South Copeland.

Attendees will learn the fundamentals which make-up a strong bid for funding, techniques to fully illustrate the positive work of your organisation in the community and what funders may be looking for.

There will be opportunities to take part in discussions and activities to consolidate your learning. Community organisations of all kinds are welcome to attend including those who have submitted bids for funding in the past.

For more details on what the course will involve, email and, or call 07356 148808.

A Zoom link will be sent out to attendees but please be advised that attendance will be capped at 20 places.

Training is funded by the Allerdale GDF and Copeland GDF project at Cumbria CVS.

To book your space, please click on the link below:

Data Protection

For the purposes of General Data Protection Regulations (2018), the data controller in respect of your personal data is Cumbria CVS. By registering your interest in the event, you are agreeing for your data to be stored and used by CVS. This will not be accessible to the wider organisation and will be used for the purposes of this event, to meet your needs. Your data will not be shared with any third party, without your prior permission. All data will be held and disposed of in line with our Data Protection and Document Retention Policy.