
Building Better Opportunities – My Future reports

The Building Better Opportunities (BBO – My Future) project was funded through the European Social Fund (ESF) and The National Lottery Community Fund (TNLCF), and delivered as a partnership, led by Cumbria CVS alongside three local delivery partners: Women’s Community Matters, Cumbria Addictions: Advice and Solutions (CADAS) and Right 2 Work (R2W Oaklea Trust). The […]

Refugee hotel residents discuss mental health

As part of our Community Connectors project, as well as Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC)’s pilot project for ‘Connecting Communities – People Enabling Change’, a team of voluntary sector groups recently put on an event to bring 15 women residents of Carlisle’s refugee hotel together to discuss mental health. Our Area Engagement Worker, Kate Rees, […]

Environmental support for voluntary and community organisations

Cumbria CVS has partnered with VONNE to deliver support to voluntary and community organisations in Cumbria wanting to improve their environmental credentials. Cumbria is planning to become Net Zero by 2037. With this ambitious target, we’ll be leading the UK in sustainability and kick-starting a greener and fairer future. The voluntary sector is perfectly placed […]

Pottering and Nattering positive for mental health

Potter and Natter, led by Paul Forsyth for the Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment service, is going well – light gardening at our Carlisle office to inspire and initiate a positive impact on wellbeing and mental health. Creating a safe space for conversations is the aspiration. The atmosphere is warm, friendly and productive… conversations […]

Mental Health conversations at Social Prescribing festival

Shelley and Sam, from the Step Forward into Volunteering and Employment service, recently attended the Social Prescribing Health and Wellbeing Community Festival at Whitehaven Rugby Ground. The day was fun-packed and family orientated, with Health and Wellbeing elegantly presented alongside fun. This meant the conversations around wellbeing and Mental Health could happen very naturally and […]

Funding to support Allerdale voluntary and community organisations

An award of £58k will help voluntary, community, faith and social enterprise organisations in the former West Allerdale footprint to become more sustainable and resilient. The award will pay for a new Development Officer for the year, with the role providing support to organisations to help them develop and deliver quality services, access funding to […]

NCVO Time Well Spent Research and Vision for Volunteering in Cumbria – Survey

As you may be aware, NCVO has recently shared their updated Time Well Spent Research which focuses on volunteers and their experience. Here at Cumbria CVS, we are keen to gain feedback from your organisation and your volunteers to ensure we have your Voice for Volunteering here in Cumbria. Reflecting on the NCVO Time Well […]