New role to support Mental Health partnerships in South Cumbria

Steph Mallinson has joined CCVS as the newly appointed Mental Health Partnerships Officer for South Cumbria.

The role, which is funded by the Mental Health Transformation Fund for 12 months, will be working to support collaborative partnerships to improve services for people experiencing Serious Mental Illness.

Working with VCSFE partners delivering services and health and care teams, the role will support them to identify opportunities to collaborate and work as a system. This will involve understanding how the system can improve the way information is shared across partners, how the VCSFE sector can be more involved in planning and commissioning services and how good practice in South Cumbria mental health delivery can be shared across partnerships.

A key element of the role will be to work with communities and individuals to identify opportunities to increase involvement in the development of mental health services in South Cumbria.

The role will be supported by a group of South Cumbria VCSFE partners over the 12 month period and will be providing regular updates to partners across the system as the project progresses.

Find out more about our support for third sector organisations interested in health and care in Cumbria here