Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities – September 2024

Welcome to Cumbria CVS’s Health and Wellbeing News, Events and Opportunities for September ’24. This page will be updated regularly, so we are delighted you have landed here today and hope that you will keep coming back for updates during the month.

To catch up on our News, Events & Opportunities from August 2024, click here

Lots of the News, Events and Opportunities information will also be appearing in our regular Health and Wellbeing Bulletin. This Bulletin is sent out to all current members of our two Networks: Action for Health and the Mental Health Provider Forum. If you have found this page useful why not join either or both Networks by following these links:

Action for Health

Mental Health Provider Forum

News – we will be using this as an opportunity to pick out particularly important/interesting articles from our most recent Bulletin and/or highlighting information that might be time sensitive.

Events – we will be using this as an opportunity to highlight events of interest to organisations interested in health and care issues including Network events. Most of these will be local Cumbria events but some maybe regional.

Opportunities – we will be using this to highlight health and care focused funding and project opportunities, representative roles and working groups you might want to get involved in and much more. These will focus on Cumbria but may also include regional opportunities.

If you’ve seen something you think we should be sharing, let us know! Email us:

Clare Edwards

Holly Ferguson

Sarah Penn

NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Quick and Confidential Support for ALL working in health or social care

North East & North Cumbria Staf Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub is open.

The Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub offers free, easy-to-access, and confidential support, no matter what you’re facing – whether it’s challenges at work, at home, or both.

The Hub is open to everyone working in health or social care across the North East and North Cumbria. The Hub understands that sometimes you need help fast, and that’s why they offer timely appointments with experienced NHS clinicians who have worked on the frontlines.

Getting support is simple, confidential and straightforward:

  • Just click the link to our website here and fill out our brief self-referral form
  • Send us an email at
  • Leave a confidential message at 0191 223 2030 We’re here for you whenever you need us.

Reach out today – your wellbeing is the Hubs priority

NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – NEW targeted lung health checks

A new NHS Programme designed to spot the early signs of lung cancer is being rolled out in North Cumbria.

The programme will see smokers and former smokers aged 55-74 being invited for an appointment that will check the health of their lungs.

Patients registered with James St practice in Workington are among the first to be invited to have the health check.  Patients registered at the remaining practices across North Cumbria will receive invites from late 2024 to early 2025.

Click here for more information

COUNTYWIDE (with focus on Cumberland Council area)

Come and find out more about this NEW pilot project which is being delivered across both Cumberland and Westmorland & Furness Council in partnership with Cumbria Health (formally Cumbria Health on Call)

National Government funding has been released for a short-term pilot project to run until 31.03.2025.   The pilot will gather evidence on the feasibility and impact of workplace CVD checks. It will encourage employers to support people to stay well in work, by gathering and sharing learning on delivering CVD checks in the workplace

The project aims to deliver:

  • Health checks to people working in mainly manual roles (e.g. hospitality, retail, taxi drivers, care staff) with a focus on males over 40 years
  • Health checks will include BP, cholesterol, BMI & lifestyle checks
  • A digital health check offer is also available.

Whilst Westmorland & Furness will be focusing work on staff from BAE Systems Cumberland Council will be focusing on small businesses.

Cumberland are hoping to develop some innovative delivery models alongside Cumbria Health including town centre pop up venues, business-based events etc

Come and find out more about the project if:

  • As a small business you would like to host an event
  • Want to get involved in events or local pop-up shops etc
  • Want to be involved in helping to plan/develop the project

More information about the Cumberland element of the Project can be found here:

Click here to book a place.

COUNTYWIDE area – Health Literacy Awareness session

Ever wondered what health literacy is all about? Want to know why it matters and how it can help? 

This session will give you a short introduction to health literacy. You will find out what health literacy is and what you can do to make it better. You’ll learn how it affects patients, carers, families and the wider community and how better health literacy can make it easier for everyone to engage in their health and wellbeing.

Tracey Garbarino

Online via MS Teams, Wednesday 23rd October 11am – 12noon

Click here to book a place

NORTH CUMBRIA NHS area – NCIC Annual General meeting 26.09.2024

The Trust that provides hospital and community health services in Cumbria is holding its Annual Members Meeting next month. 

Members of the public are invited to North Cumbria Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust’s meeting virtually or in person on Thursday, 26th September at Energus, Lillyhall, Workington from 1.30pm to 3.30pm.

It’s an opportunity for members to learn more about our achievements and challenges over the last 12 months and the current financial position, which you can find out more about in our annual report for 2023/2024 now available on our website.

SOUTH CUMBRIA area – Research Mental Health North West

The aim of the project is to improve research in Lancashire and South Cumbria.

We are looking to speak with mental health staff working in Lancashire and South Cumbria to ask them their opinions on what works well / less well in terms of recruitment to research, and what they would like to see from research in the local area.

It would be an informal discussion around their ideas on this subject, and we can meet people face to face at a location local to them, or online at convenient time. We understand how busy staff and teams are, and so we are flexible in the times and places we can meet. We are happy to meet with staff as a group or individually, whichever works best.

If you are interested in taking part, please contact Rebecca Golby

Click here for more information


SOUTH CUMBRIA NHS area – Mental Health Discharge Planning – Environment for Change Survey

The ICB, LSCFT, and LCC are working to look at the practice of planning and discharging people from mental health hospitals in order to understand, evaluate and improve people’s experiences and ascertain if people are discharged to their usual place of residence.

The aims of this project are to:

  • Understand the current Discharge model and its outcomes
  • Understand the current value position and opportunities.
  • Understand the environment for change within the system.
  • Identify system-wide priority focus areas.
  • Outline key next steps to address the focus areas.

They are asking local leaders in this area to complete a 10-minute survey to capture the opinions and experiences of staff in your area.

Click here to complete the survey