Beyond the Edge – Open Space

Gabriela Lipska, District Manager Westmorland and Furness, talks Open Space Technology in the second article in our Beyond the Edge – Inspiration and Innovation series:

As you sign up for our AGM, you’ll notice our intention to do things differently this year. We want to create a space where real learning and innovation can happen, where CCVS membership means a communal experience, where everyone can lead a conversation, inspire and get inspired and where every voice has the chance to be heard.

Imagine walking into a room buzzing with conversations, where every corner is filled with groups of delegates deeply engaged in exchanges that clearly focus and excite them. It feels like a coffee break, but it isn’t, this is the way the day rolls – multiple conversations taking place between members of groups, organisations, communities, people you know and people you don’t know.

An information board with agenda of topics suggested by delegates at the start of the event will help everyone navigate their way through the day. This means that the discussions are relevant and driven by the interests and passions of those present. This is what our Cumbria CVS AGM will look like this year – a facilitated Open Space Technology (OST) event with the central theme of community power.

The day’s conversations will be guided by a calling question designed to spark curiosity and engagement. What you will see is people self-organising to have great group conversations on issues that matter to them.

Why is this important? Self-organisation is the key principle of community power, emphasising the ability of individuals and groups to autonomously manage and direct their conversations, initiatives and activities.

By allowing participants to self-organize into discussion groups, OST provides simple structure within which there is freedom to explore topics that truly matter. This process not only enhances participation but also leads to genuine and stimulating interactions among members, it also allows us to share responsibility for how we spend the time together, feel more connected to each other and the outcomes of our shared efforts.

Self-organisation leverages the diverse skills, knowledge, and perspectives present in the room. By encouraging everyone to contribute, it creates a richer, more inclusive environment where innovative ideas can flourish. This collective intelligence often leads to more effective and sustainable solutions. Open Space Technology recognizes that there is a leader in every seat.

This method allows for organic, dynamic interactions that are highly relevant to the participants’ interests and needs. It also promotes active engagement and collaboration, as people are more likely to invest in conversations and projects they have a hand in creating.

In essence, OST requires us to be curious and active participants, it is about practicing power as a community, collective learning and sense-making, discovering shared patterns, synergy and generative relationships. It fosters a culture of mutual support, shared responsibility, and collective action for a meaningful, lasting impact.


View other posts in the Beyond the Edge – Inspiration and Innovation series here