Dealing with Difficult Behaviour (FULLY BOOKED)




Please note change of date and venue

By the end of the session participants will have:

  • Identified difficult behaviour
  • Discussed the impact of difficult behaviour on both volunteers and the organisation
  • Recognised the reasons behind this type of behaviour
  • Explored ways of dealing with difficult behaviour
  • Considered how to create effective boundaries

FREE to all volunteers*

* A £10 cancellation fee applies if a place is cancelled within one week of the training and/or for non-attendance.

For further information, download the Flier

You can book online.
Alternatively, download a booking form here then complete and return a booking form to:

  • Cumbria CVS, 6 Hobson Court, Gillan Way, Penrith CA11 9GQ


Bookings are closed for this event.