Data Protection




Now fully booked

Where we are now with Data Protection, and what is coming next

Many voluntary organisations are being affected by the recent changes to expected practice in fundraising. This course will:

  • Cover the basics of Data Protection for those new to the subject – or in need of a refresher
  • Examine the relationship between Data Protection and Confidentiality
  • Explore the new requirements for fundraising, including whether consent is required, and if so how to obtain it
  • Explain the key changes that will be introduced by the new EU Regulation (May 2018) and the areas of uncertainty
  • Discuss the latest developments around security, including the impact of wider use of cloud computing and smartphones

 Trainer: Paul Ticher

Price includes refreshments and lunch

Early Bird Booking by Wednesday 21 September 2016:
£  65 CVS members  (£80 thereafter)*
£  85 Non members   (£100 thereafter)*

Limited Places available.  * Cancellation policy applies.

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